Colleton County Fire-Rescue



07/October/2022 - Fire Prevention 

Fire prevention education began this week with activities at Black Street Childhood Center, Bells Elementary, Hendersonville Elementary, and Colleton Preparatory Academy. The preschoolers learned many safety skills including how to Stop, Drop and Roll if their clothes were to catch on fire and about the importance of smoke detectors in the home. They interacted with Patches, Fire-Rescue’s Robotic Dalmatian and they got to tour a Fire Engine and Ambulance. Fire Prevention activities are taught in all of the schools during the month of October to coincide with National Fire Prevention Week which is October 9th through October 15th. Due to the large number of schools and day care centers, Fire-Rescue’s program lasts all month with Firefighters visiting each school in the County. The program is spearheaded by the Fire Marshal’s Office and led by Battalion Chief Michael Banks, and Captain Roger Johnston.