Colleton County Fire-Rescue


05/November/2023 - Funeral Annoucement

We were sadly informed of the passing of retired firefighter Israel Ray Hodges from Station 5. Ray Hodges was an active community leader in the Oakman Branch/Canadys area and served as a Volunteer Captain with the former Canadys Volunteer Fire Dept, which became Station 5 when Fire Rescue was formed in 1994. Mr. Hodges was a dedicated firefighter and served his community for nearly two decades. He retired a little over ten years ago, but remained active serving in his church and working to better the Oakman Branch/Canadys area. He frequently attended County Council Meetings and worked to develop the Community Watch Program in northern Colleton County which helped to reduce crime in the area. His many contributions will be missed.  

Funeral Services will be held at the Oakman Branch Missionary Baptist Church, 177 Oakman Branch Road, Walterboro at 11:00 on Monday 06-November.