Colleton County Fire-Rescue
Message from the Chief |
Chief Barry W. McRoy (bmcroy@colletoncounty.org) - (843) 539-1960 extension 1315
Welcome to
Colleton County Fire-Rescue’s official website. I am honored that you have taken
the time to visit with us. This site was designed to be informative and
interesting for you, the viewer. It contains a wealth of information about the
community and the resources our governing body has provided us to serve the
citizens and visitors of this area. Since its inception in 1994, the goals set
forth for this agency have been exceeded many times. From improving responses,
saving lives, providing Fire and Life Safety Education, to expanding coverage
into rural communities and providing Emergency Medical Care and Transportation.
The unselfish teamwork of our volunteer firefighters and career personnel, past
and present, has allowed us to accomplish these many tasks. Without their
dedication, the successes of the last two decades would not have been possible.
We have had
the pleasure of working with a committed group of individuals and agencies that
spans every aspect of this community. The lists are far too great to attempt to
name here. I must also applaud the commitment of our County Council,
Administrator’s Office and Fire-Rescue Commission. The unwavering support and
team approach has allowed this agency to surpass many hurdles, while staying on
track to complete the objectives of our long-range plans.
Please take
some time to browse the site. It covers most services and programs we provide. I
think you will find that Colleton County Fire-Rescue is a progressive
organization, comprised of an enthusiastic group of team members with the desire
to serve others.