Welcome to Colleton County Fire-Rescue’s
Emergency Management Division website.
We appreciate you taking the time to
visit with us.
Colleton County Fire-Rescue’s
Emergency Management Division is responsible
for developing, exercising and executing
plans during large emergencies and
Although the Emergency Management
Division coordinates disaster responses for
Colleton County, there are countless numbers
of federal, state and local agencies that
work together to protect the lives of our
This is done in four distinct phases:
– The Emergency Management Division works
with its partners to develop, test, revise,
and refine emergency operations plans.
Those plans include preparing sites
for emergency sheltering, mass feeding, and
the restoration of access to roadways and
Mitigation –
The Emergency Management Division and its
partners strive to minimize the effects of a
disaster both before and after it occurs.
This limits the impact of a disaster
to our citizens.
Response –
The Emergency Management Division works
closely with the Sheriff’s Office
Communications/9-1-1 Center to coordinate
response efforts during and after
Our state and local partners assist
with response assets, logistical support,
and coordination of resources throughout the
Recovery –
Recovery efforts after a disaster are
different from individual to individual and
from community to community.
As a result, the Emergency Management
Division works with Federal, State and Local
partners to assist our citizens in
recovering from the effects that could not
otherwise be mitigated or prevented through
a response effort.
There are too many agencies to name
here, but rest assured, there are many
agencies with which Colleton County
Fire-Rescue’s Emergency Management Division
has partnered to protect our citizens.
We hope you will look through the
information on our website.
It contains a wealth of information
on current conditions in Colleton County as
well as emergency planning for you and your
Of course, you can follow us on
Twitter (@ColletonFire) or on Facebook (@ColletonCountyFire)
to stay in touch with emergency
Feel free to call us at Fire-Rescue
Headquarters (843-539-1960) or at the
Emergency Operations Center (843-549-5632) if you have any
questions and remember, always dial 9-1-1
for emergencies.