09/August/2013 – Car vs Moped MVC with Air
Evacuation– “A” Shift
Incident # 13-04352 – A 71 year old Walterboro man
received critical injuries after the moped he was riding collided with a
car on Robertson Blvd at Spruce Street. The accident occurred at 15:32
on Friday afternoon 09-August. The man who was not wearing a helmet was
found unconscious, face down in the roadway. Bystanders provided first
aid and EMTs from the nearby Coastal Ambulance Service came to the scene
to assist the man, prior to the arrival of Fire-Rescue. When Medic 19
arrived, Firefighter-Paramedics was quickly treated and immobilized the
patient, then transported him the two blocks to Colleton Medical
Center’s ED. His condition rapidly deteriorated prior to arriving at the
hospital. A medical helicopter was placed on standby, while the patient
was stabilized in the hospital Emergency Department.
The ED Staff led by Dr. Greaves, worked diligently
to save the man. His condition deteriorated again after arriving at the
hospital. Local surgeon Dr. Stiegler, came to the ED and assisted with
the man’s care, performing several lifesaving surgical procedures. After
working for a little over an hour, the man was deemed stable enough to
make the helicopter trip to the Trauma Center. LifeNet 4 transferred the
patient to MUSC. The Walterboro Public Safety Department is
investigating the crash.