27/February/2015 – High Speed MVC with Air Evac
– “C” Shift
A two vehicle high speed MVC injured four people and resulted in one
patient being air lifted to a Trauma Center. The collision occurred
in the 4200 block of Charleston Highway at Rodeo Drive Friday
morning 27-February at 03:32. One patient advised responding
personnel that both cars were east bound when their vehicle struck a
deer and lost control. Click here for
more information. |
Our condolences go out to Ms. Keesha Oxner, CCFR Training Division Clerk,
whose mother, Charlene Radcliff, passed away this morning at home.
Visitation will be held Monday, March 2, 2015 from 18:00 to 20:00 at St
Peters Church on Wichman Street (across from the Valero Gas Station).
The funeral will be Tuesday, March 3, 2015 at 11:00 at Saint Center
Ministries on Colson Street. Please keep
Keesha and her family in your thoughts and prayers. |
21/February/2015 - Auto vs Pedestrian with Air
Evac – “C” Shift
An adult man received life threatening injuries after being struck
by a car in 1100 block of Rivers Street, Saturday morning
21-February at 02:54. Witness advised a car backed over the man who
was standing in the street next to the Apollo Lounge.
Firefighter-Paramedics found the man unconscious in the street.
Click here for more information. |
16/February/2015 – Structure Fire – “B” Shift
A Peaceful Lane home was heavily damaged by an afternoon fire Monday
16-February. At 14:03, 9-1-1 Operators were notified of the incident
by a neighbor. Engine 31 arrived quickly and found a singlewide
mobile with an one room addition approximately 50% involved.
Firefighters used a deck gun to knock down the bulk of the fire from
the exterior, then deployed two 1-3/4 handlines to extinguish the
remaining interior fire. Click here for
more information. |
15/February/2015 – Fatal MVC with entrapment –
“C” Shift
A 67 year old North Carolina man died from multiple traumatic
injuries following a high speed crash on I-95 near the 55 mile
marker northbound, Sunday morning 15-February. The accident was
reported at 02:53, after a motorist reported hitting debris in the
highway and noticing something red in the medium. Fire-Rescue units
arrived minutes later to find the 2001 Dodge pick-up truck on the
left shoulder with massive damage. Click here
for more information. |
14/February/2015 – Fatal MVC w/entrapment & Air
Evac – “B” Shift
One man died and three others were injured in a head-on collision in
the 9000 block of Jefferies Hwy. (US Hwy 15) south of Kelly Bay Road
Saturday morning 14-February at 05:18. The initial call to 9-1-1
indicated a vehicle was in the ditch with someone possibility
injured. Medic 19 and Engine 19 arrived to find a Malibu off on the
southbound shoulder with heavy front end damage. Click
here for more information. |
12/February/2015 – MVC with Air Evac – “A”
A 63 year old male was flown to the Trauma Center at MUSC following
a tractor trailer accident Thursday evening 12-February. At 19:08,
Fire-Rescue units were sent to the intersection of Mount Carmel Road
and Sigwald Lane for an auto accident. Medic 26 arrived to find a
tractor trailer truck that had left the roadway and struck several
trees.Click here for more information. |
07/February/2015 - We congratulate Captain Bryan Eadon
and his family on the birth of a daughter Saturday 7-February.
Millie Adele Eadon was born at 04:04 and was 8 pounds, 6 ounces.
Millie was 20.5 inches long. Millie, Bryan, Katie and big sister
Davyn are all doing great. |
07/February/2015 – MVC w/Ejection & Air Evac –
“B” Shift
A 58 year old Cottageville man was in critical
condition after being ejected from a vehicle Saturday afternoon
07-February. At 15:43, Fire-Rescue was dispatched to the 300 block
of Rhode Drive for a high speed single vehicle accident. The west
bound car appeared to have dropped off the right shoulder in a
curve, over corrected and entered the ditch. Click
here for more information.
05/February/2015 - Station 34 Opens
Fire Station # 34 north of Cottageville was placed
online last Thursday, 5-February. This new station houses Engine 34 and
Tender 34, a 3000 gallon Tender. Residents north and east of Cottageville
who have previously been outside of the five limit of a fire station should
notify their Insurance Carriers. Click here for
more information. |
03/February/2015 – MVC with entrapment – “A” Shift
Three people were injured in a three vehicle accident at the intersection of
Jefferies Hwy and Academy Road Tuesday afternoon 03-Feb at 15:33.
Firefighter-Paramedics had to use hydraulic rescue tools to remove the
passenger door of one car to extricate the patient. All three injured
parties were transported to Colleton Medical Center with non-life
threatening injuries. Click here for more
information. |
Congratulations to Firefighter Justin Truluck for obtaining his Advanced
Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Certification. |