We will be holding shift drills for the full-time personnel on Monday,
December 16th; Tuesday, December 17th, and Wednesday, December 18th between
the hours of 0900 and 1700 at Station 19. Additionally, countywide
drill will be held on Thursday, December 19th at 19:00 hours at Station 19.
All personnel are invited to any of these drills. 800 MHz portable radios will be distributed to individuals during these four
12TH AT 17:00 HOURS FOR THESE DRILLS if you would like to
have your radio issued during those drills. Each radio is issued to a
specific individual. You must also bring your county issued portable
radio and charger to the drill. If you do not
pre-register and do not bring your county issued portable radio to the
drill, you will not be issued a new 800 MHz portable radio.
Registration can be accomplished through the Quicklinks on this website,
colletonfiretraining@colletoncounty.org, or contacting the training
division at 538-6849. |
We wish to congratulate Firefighter Paul Bagley on successfully passing the
NREMT written and practical exam. |
26/November/2013 Structure Fire A Shift
A 30x30 outdoor building used for storage and a
screened in cooker was destroyed in a mid-afternoon fire at 237 Leisure Lane
at Bennetts Point. The homeowner returned to his residence to find the
building in flames. Firefighters deployed two 1-3/4 handlines to extinguish
the fire. The nearby home was not damaged. Click here
for more information. |
25/November/2013 Decorating the Courthouse
Firefighters assisted Clerk of Court Pat Grant with
decorating the Courthouse for the upcoming Christmas holidays.
Firefighter-Paramedic Pam Berry directed the crews. Berry has guided our
department with the project for the last five years. Click
here for more information.
24/November/2013 High Speed MVC C Shift
A 48 year old Savannah woman survived a high speed MVC on I-95 near the 41
mile marker northbound. The woman reported that she may have fallen asleep
before leaving the roadway Sunday afternoon 24-November at 15:20. Her Ford
Expedition SUV struck the guard taking out approximately 50 to 75 of the
safety device, before flipping over multiple times. Click
here for more information. |
23/November/2013 Station 2 Awards Dinner
Station 2 personnel held an awards dinner to
commemorate the progress of the Fire Service in the Jacksonboro Community
over the last 45 years. The Station was recently renovated and had an
addition constructed. The dinner served as an open house as well. The event
was conducted at Fire Station 2 on Clinic Drive in Jacksonboro. Click
here for more information. |
23/November/2013 Fatal MVC B shift
A Hendersonville man was found deceased in a pickup truck following a
moderate speed collision. The Chevrolet pickup was travelling southbound on
Green Pond Highway when it left the roadway just south of Ritter Road. The
truck struck the northbound ditch bank twice before coming to rest.
Firefighter-Paramedics found the adult male across the front seats without
any signs of life. Click here for more information. |
22/November/2013 Mutual Aid to Structure Fire Yemassee FD
A Shift
Fire-Rescue responded as mutual aid to the Town of
Yemassee Fire Department Friday evening 22-November. At 23:08, Yemassee
requested a Tender to assist with a fire at Dixie Poly Drum located on Hill
Road off of Yemassee Highway. The large plastics manufacturing facility was
well involved. Two two-story buildings were heavily damaged in the fire.
Click here for more information. |
22/November/2013 Structure Fire A Shift
A vacant residence was moderately damaged after a yard debris fire spread to the
building Friday afternoon 22-November at 15:56. The yard fire caught the siding
of the building on fire in two places, then advanced up the walls into the
attic. The fire also spread into the adjacent woods and endangered a mobile
home on the property. Click here for more
information. |
20/November/2013 Truck vs Moped with Air Evac B Shift
A 47 year old man received a possible head injury after
his moped was struck by a truck on Charleston Highway near Brittlebank Road
after dark Wednesday evening 20-November. The man was thrown into the
windshield of the truck and presented with an altered LOC. He was treated
and immobilized at the scene. Click here for
more information. |
20/November/2013 Structure Fire B Shift
A Futrell Lane home was heavily damaged in a
mid-afternoon fire Wednesday 20-November. At 14:29, neighbors notified 9-1-1
that they could see smoke and flames coming from the singlewide mobile home
and the yard was on fire. Engine 5 arrived minutes later to find the mobile
home 50% involved. Click here for additional
information. |
20/November/2013 Fatal Shooting Incident A Shift
Fire-Rescue and Sheriffs Deputies responded to 12
Brights Court for a shooting incident Wednesday morning 20-November at
04:44. Deputies cleared the scene and found the 30 year old man lying
unconscious, face down in the front yard. Firefighter-Paramedics quickly
began treating the man who received gunshot wounds to the head and torso.
Click here for more information. |
19/November/2013 Stabbing Incident w/Air Evac A Shift
A 34 year old man received critical injuries in a
stabbing incident that occurred at 107 Mincey Street Tuesday evening
19-November at 22:49. Responders found the man lying on the edge of the
roadway. Firefighter-Paramedics discovered the man had a single stab wound
to the upper chest and was having difficulty breathing. Click
here for more information. |
17/November/2013 Structure Fire B Shift
Incident 3 13-06290 - Firefighters saved a home from
being destroyed Sunday evening 17-November at 58 Cross Court. A neighbor
notified 9-1-1 of smoke coming from the house at 23:18. When Firefighters
arrived 5 minutes later, flames were shooting out of two windows at the rear
of the residence. Click here for more
information. |
17/November/2013 MVC with Fire B Shift
A 21 year old man received multiple traumatic injuries
in a single car MVC on Tuskegee Airman Drive at Purple Heart Drive Sunday
afternoon 17-November at 13:19. The 2014 Honda Crosstour, left the roadway
then struck a tree. The car received heavy damage and was smoking. Another
motorist, Ernest (Bubba) Smyly drove up on the accident and stopped to
assist. Click here for more information. |
14/November/2013 High Speed MVC B Shift
Three people were injured in a two vehicle high speed MVC at the
intersection of Augusta Highway and Rehoboth Road Thursday evening
14-November. The accident was reported at 19:59 after a Mitsubishi Lancer
drove through a stop sign and was struck by an east bound Ford Pickup Truck.
The pickup left the roadway, struck several large trees and caught fire.
Click here for additional information. |
Retired Chief Ashton Syfrett has compiled a history of the rural fire
department in Colleton County. Click
here for more
information. |
ALL CCFR PERSONNEL: Countywide Drills will be held on Saturday, November
16th at 08:30 hours at Station 19 and Thursday, November 21st at 19:00 hours
at Station 19. The training topic will be Search and Rescue. The
training division would like to prepare necessary food and instructors for
the number of personnel attending. You can register by emailing the
training division at
colletonfiretraining@colletoncounty.org , contacting the training
division at 538-6849, or click on the "Drill Registration" option from the
CCFR website quicklinks. |
13/November/2013 Structure Fire A Shift
A fire on the stove, spread outside the residence at
1802 Sidneys Road Wednesday afternoon 13-November at 12:22. The occupant had
been cooking when the food burned setting fire to the cabinets and stove.
The flames exited the home through the vent over the stove and caused damage
to the exterior of the building. Click here for
more information. |
13/November/2013 MVC with Entrapment C Shift
A mother and two children were transported to Colleton
Medical Center Wednesday morning 13-November following a three car MVC in
the intersection of Jefferies Highway and Tuskegee Airman Drive. At 07:10, a
Pontiac Sunfire and Chevrolet Pickup Truck collided head-on sustaining heavy
damage. Click here for more information. |
We wish to congratulate Firefighter-EMT Will Worrell on obtaining EMT
certification. Worrell successfully completed the NREMT testing process last
week. |
09 & 10 November, 2013 - Lowcountry Fire and EMS Weekend
Colleton County Fire-Rescue hosted the first Lowcountry
Fire & EMS Weekend at the Colleton Job Center and Fire-Rescue Station 19 on
Thunderbolt Drive on November 9th & 10th. This
training opportunity was a first of its kind in the State of South Carolina
bringing both fire service and Emergency Medical related topics to one
location. Click here for more information. |
Myrtle Avant, the Grandmother of Melodie Ellis,
Fire-Rescues Admin. Asst at HQ, passed away Friday morning. We offer
condolences to Melodie and her family. Visitation will be held at Parker
Rhoden Funeral Home on Paul Street in Walterboro, Saturday evening from
18:00 to 20:00. The funeral service will be conducted Sunday at the Funeral
Home at 14:00, with a burial service held at Sandy Dam Methodist Church on
Charleston Highway. |
CCFR will be hosting an EMT Course beginning January 16, 2014. If you
are interested, please contact the training division at
(843) 538-6849 or
colletonfiretraining@colletoncounty.org . |
03/November/2013 Traumatic Injury with Air Evac C Shift
A 26 year old male received multiple traumatic injuries in an altercation in
the 100 block of Winter Drive, Sunday 03-November. At 14:40 Law Enforcement
responded to the location and found the injured man. Firefighter-Paramedics
responded to the scene, treated the mans injuries and requested a medical
helicopter. Click here for more information. |