28/November/2015 – Fatal MVC Car vs Tractor –
“B” Shift
A 54 year old Walterboro man was killed in a two vehicle accident
involving a tractor and small passenger car Saturday evening
28-November at 18:11. Both vehicles were traveling south in the 3600
block of Maple Ridge Road when a 2007 Honda Accord struck the rear
of a trailer being pulled by the John Deere 5105 tractor. The impact
caused the tractor to overturn, ejecting the driver into the
roadway. The scene was littered with Christmas lights, props and
decorations. Click here for more
information. |
27/November/2015 – Mutual Aid Fire to City of
Walterboro – “A” Shift
Stations 1 and 19 responded as mutual aid to a
gas main break with a fire in the 200 block of Leith Lane, Friday
evening 27-November. At 18:25, WFD requested mutual aid from
Fire-Rescue for personnel. City firefighters had been on scene for
approximately 20 minutes. A two inch plastic gas main was damaged,
possibility from someone burning trash in the ditch, in front of
Lucas Trailer Park. Flames were jettisoned 30 feet into the air and
endangering two mobile homes. Click here
for more information. |
27/November/2015 – Motorcycle MVC – “A” Shift
A 22 year old Walterboro man suffered multiple, non-life threatening
injuries after he lost control of his motorcycle in the 1100 block
of Stokes Road, Friday afternoon 27-November at 14:36. The man was
traveling south on Stokes Road when he lost control and entered the
ditch on the northbound side of the road. The motorcycle struck a
driveway culvert, ejecting the driver. The motorcycle suffered heavy
damage and landed in the ditch after hitting a second driveway
culvert. Click here for more information. |
25/November/2015- Fire Prevention Coloring Contest Winner
Second grader Richard Leyva of Northside Elementary was the
countywide winner of a new bicycle. Leyva won Fire-Rescue’s coloring
contest which was offered to all 2nd graders in the
county’s school during fire prevention month conducted throughout
October. The students had to correctly answer ten questions related
to the Fire Safety materials firefighter’s taught them. Those who
answered all of the questions correctly, where then judged on the
picture. In the photo along with Richard is Captain Michael Banks of
Colleton County Fire – Rescue; Jessica Hales, Richard’s 2nd
grade teacher; and Ms. Tracy McDonald, Principal of Northside
21/November/2015 – MVC with Critical Patient –
“A” Shift
Three people were injured, one with suspected critical injuries, in
a two vehicle collision at the intersection of Sidneys Road and
Round O Road, Sidneys Crossroads. On Saturday afternoon 21-November
at 12:13, a west bound GMC Acadia struck a southbound Ford F-150
blocking the entire intersection. Medic 19 and Engine 19 arrived
minutes later to find the driver of the pickup truck semi-conscious,
suffering from multiple traumatic injuries. Click
here for more information. |
21/November/2015 – MVC with Entrapment & Air
Evac – “C” Shift
A 28 year old Round O woman miraculously survived a high speed MVC
in the 6800 block of Sidneys Road Saturday morning 21-November. At
01:28 Fire-Rescue units were dispatched to the vicinity after a
residence called 9-1-1 and advised he was awaken by a loud crash and
could hear a car horn. Firefighter-Paramedics arrived to find a
single car off of the roadway with massive damage and broken into
two pieces. The female driver was still seat belted in the driver’s
seat, the only intact place in the vehicle. Click
here for more information. |
11/18/2015- We wish to congratulate Firefighter II-Paramedic Kristen Dias on
successfully completing Paramedic certification. We wish her the best in
this next step in her career. |
18/November/2015 – Structure Fire – “A” Shift
Firefighter-Paramedics responding to a fire alarm found a 3500
square foot home on fire Wednesday morning 18-November. At 08:18,
fire units were dispatched to the residence at 209 Brights Court for
an activated alarm. Engine 1 arrived minutes later to find heavy
smoke showing from the eaves on all sides of the building. A full
structural response was requested as crews deployed two 1-3/4
handlines. Shortly after arriving, fire broke through a window at
the rear of the home. Click here for more
information. |
13/November/2015 - Congratulations to Firefighter/EMT Justin Benton
and his wife
Cari on the birth of their son, Graham Robert Benton. He was born
on Thursday November 12, 2015 at 22:19. Graham is 20.5" long and
weighs 6lbs 14oz. Both he and his mother are doing fine. |
09/November/2015 – Fire-Rescue Commission
Chairman LaVern Polk congratulated outgoing Commissioner Doug Mixson
Sr. during the monthly Commission Meeting Monday 09-November. Mr.
Mixson has served eight years on the Commission, but was recently
elected to the Willow Swamp Water Shed Commission which required him
to resign from the Fire-Rescue Commission. Chairman Polk present Mr.
Mixson with a plaque. During his time on the Commission, the
Department has seen a great amount of growth... click
here for more information. |
08/November/2015 - Lowcountry Fire/EMS Weekend
Colleton County Fire-Rescue hosted the third
annual Lowcountry Fire and EMS Weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
November 6 through 8. 114 Firefighters, mostly from South Carolina
and Georgia participated, however some participants traveled from
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Idaho to take or assist in
the training. 56 instructors and/or vendors also participated.
Saturday and Sunday were packed with training opportunities for
Firefighters and EMTs/Paramedics. Click here
for more information. |
08/November/2015 – MVC with Critical Patient –
“C” Shift
A 66 year old Islandton man suffered critical head injuries after he
was ejected from his moped Sunday morning 08-November at 11:23.
Fire-Rescue was notified of the incident in the 2900 block of Rum
Gully Road at 11:23. Engine 15 and Medic 18 arrived to find the man
unconscious in the roadway with significant blood loss. It appeared
the man lost control of the moped several hundred feet before he
struck the pavement. Click here for more
information. |
07/November/2015 – Fatal MVC with Entrapment –
“B” Shift
A 46 year old North Charleston man died from multiple traumatic
injuries received in a single car crash Saturday evening
07-November. At 21:16, Fire-Rescue was notified of the accident in
the 25000 block of Augusta Hwy. (SC Hwy. 61). Nearby residents hear
the accident and rushed to the scene to assist the man. Bystanders
told 9-1-1 Operators the driver did not appear to be breathing.
Engine 9 and Medic 9 arrived about 15 minutes later to the rural
area... click here for more information. |
03/November/2015 – MVC with Entrapment – “C”
A 29 year old Colleton County woman, suffered
non-life threatening traumatic injuries in a single car MVC in the
18000 block of Round O Road, Tuesday morning 03-November at 07:23.
Fire-Rescue units arrived to find the Toyota Corolla had crossed a
ditch, knocked down a section of fence before traveling through a
field and collided a second time with the wooden fence. The accident
occurred during a heavy rain. A fence rail entered the passenger
compartment and was impaled through the back seat. Click
here for more information. |
01/November/2015 – Auto Pedestrian MVC w/ Air
Evac – “B” Shift
A 2-1/2 year old girl was air lifted to the Pediatric Trauma Center
at MUSC Sunday afternoon 01-November. At 14:08, Fire-Rescue was
notified of a vehicle traveling toward Walterboro with a small child
who had been run over by a car. The caller reported the vehicle who
struck the child had left the scene. Several units were dispatched
to intercept the car. Battalion Chief Scott Feather met with the
vehicle on Sniders Highway near Cypress Pond Road and began
evaluating the child. Medic 1 and Battalion 1 arrived minutes later.
Click here for more information. |